2 dec. 2010

Day four

It was 0 degrees outside today and the panorama was like in a postcard.

The snow and ice blocks we will use for the sculptures were delivered to the room. Our Icehotel Suite is now full of huge blocks of ice and compacted snow, 8 tons and a half circa coming straight from the Torne river.

When all the blocks were on their place the external walls were built. The tecnique consists in creating a wooden mold filled with fresh snow. One of the builders jumped into the mold to press down the snow. The structure is left for 24 hours to let the snow become very strong and solid. 

Now it´s up to us to create the Magic and bring out an Art Suite from these big blocks laying on the floor. We started to sculpture the fish, can you see it struggling to find its way out of the block?

The crushed snow must be constantlly removed from the Icehotel Suite, brought out on a wheelbarrow. 

Enough for today, see you tomorrow!